graphics are ok sound awsome
graphics are ok sound awsome
very good in deed
well farthog lisen a little better. you piggy ass
cloud. well i think it was really cool the old and the new vershion of the gangsta rap's.
Dora= HOLA
in the game cacter is sopose to be like that pizza_dude!
this was the best! i beateen all the final fanisty games out in the world so this movie was awsome!!!
and dora my little brother wacthes that gay show and a pinecone took her out o-yay ! no more dora!
gotta Queshion i cant try flash mx2004 for free trial because i got windows me and it doesnet work but i have it at school tho so i know its cool but i need a anmaition creator like mx i can down load for windows me plz e mail me at plz
this was cool
i agree with cap123 and the sound is a little off
butt other than i all with you muffins now rule all especially clocks boo ya xP
tis true, tis true... muffins do own all :D
Damn this was good
out of all the other carp i usally see this is so far one of the best this will get to the front of top weeklys trust me as a viewer
what in the hell are u thinking overall 7
well this looks really good and porbally took a long time to make! I my self thought it was really good. (saying in sarcasem voice) kitty bot
puhh not my anime (in a slient voice)
this was o kay the sound was screwed up
i gave violence 10 because dude look what there doing jesus!
i gotta know somethin how do you get the viedo game characters to be in a flash like that is there a program i can download to get this. or did you hand draw every one in flash ??? because i been searching for stuff like that.
p.s where do i down load macromedia flash player mx so i can make movies or do i buy it or theres a free trial some where email me
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Age 36, Male
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Big Apple
Joined on 2/18/03